Lambing Experience Days

You can join Polly and Graeme and experience all aspects of a day in the lambing shed at our busiest and most rewarding time of the year. The day is designed as an introduction to lambing and is suitable for those who are keen to experience life as a hands on farmer. The number of attendees is kept small to ensure a hands on experience. We have 550 breeding Romney and Suffolk ewes, we’ll take you through the whole lambing cycle.

We hope that you will be keen to get fully involved and we will help you to get hands on in the process. The day is flexible and there will be the opportunity to visit our other animals on the farm including our Gloucester Old Spot Pigs as well as wander round our market garden.

You arrive at the farm at 10.00 and we will be on the farm until 15.00. The cost of the day includes tea/ coffee and cakes, but you will need to bring your own lunch. We can organise pickups and drop offs from Bridgend station.

2023 Dates

Saturday 4th Mar 2023

Saturday 11th March 2023

Keys items we will cover…

  • Looking after & feeding pregnant Ewes (mum sheep)

  • Dealing with issues in pregnancy

  • Identifying labour

  • Birth of a lamb (we expect on a busy day to have a number of lambs born but as with all animal based events we can’t guarantee this!)

  • Helping with birth & aftercare

  • Putting lambs out on to pastur

What To Wear

We are working in sheds and outside in early March so warm clothing is a must include, hats and gloves and layer up. You will be handling livestock so it is fairly certain that you will get a bit muddy so a change of clothes is a good idea. You need to wear stout and waterproof footwear welly boots is perfect.

BookIng & Costs

£85 per person, to book please email, stating your preferred date. There is a 10% discount on a group booking, for groups of 6 people. Gift Vouchers are also available.

Health & Safety

We are a working farm and when you arrive we’ll discuss how to keep safe on the farm. Throughout the day we will be looking after you but we will also be prioritising the sheep’s welfare and that is the side we will always stand on.

We don’t have unfamiliar dogs on the farm so please leave pooch at home. With lambing we must insist that NO ONE who is pregnant comes onto the farm yard this is an absolute rule. If someone in our household is pregnant, please review the NHS guidance before booking. If you are intending to get hands on we must insist that you keep your fingernails short